UUCL’s Minister & Staff
UUCL’s Minister

A graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School, Alice King has a long history of serving Unitarian Universalist congregations on both the west and east coasts. Most recently she was an intern minister at the Mount Vernon Unitarian Church. For nearly 10 years she served as the Young Adult and Campus Ministry Coordinator at the First Unitarian Universalist Church in San Diego.
Alice also has extensive experience in holistic health practices, senior care, nonprofit leadership, and adult education. Her husband, Rev. David Miller, is the Senior Minister at the UU Congregation of Fairfax in 2015.
UUCL’s Director of Religious Exploration

Ann Richards is UUCL’s DRE. Ann has been a religious professional for the last 13 years, serving as DRE and Children’s Ministry Coordinator in various congregations in the DC area including UU Congregation of Fairfax, River Road UU and most recently, Mount Vernon Unitarian Church in Alexandria, VA. Ann is a lifelong UU and has been involved in RE as a participant and an RE teacher.
UUCL’s Office & Facilities Administrator

Gabrielle (Gabby) Patterson (she/her) is UUCL’s Office & Facilities Administrator. Gabby graduated from the University of Virginia in 2017 with a degree in Anthropology and Archaeology. She has 5+ years experience in facility supervising, data management, and administrative support, and is passionate about being an active part of her community in Leesburg.