Adults have three structured opportunities for personal growth and connection: monthly Journey Groups and TED Talk discussions, and twice-yearly Starting Point retreats.

Journey Groups are confidential, facilitated groups directly tied to our monthly worship themes. They help us go deeper into each theme through educational packets rich with self-study exercises and resources, and monthly meetings where you are invited to reflect on your experience and hear others’ stories. Group members are asked to practice deep listening skills and hold judgment at bay. Groups form in September and meet monthly until the end of the church the following August.

Starting Point is where participants explore the Unitarian Universalism path and gather tools and partners for the journey. It has much to offer long-time members as well as newcomers and those in-between. Starting Point is designed to benefit the individual’s journey and growth—personal, spiritual and congregational—through a grounding in our faith, values and history. This journey is organized into three basic components: listening to one’s deepest self, opening to life’s gifts and serving needs greater than our own.