Archives: Services

Sharing Our Stories

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Rev. Charlotte Lehmann. Sharing the stories of our families and our communities has many values. To be sure these stories can be painful, at times, but they are also sources of inspiration and pride depending on what they entail. The people in our stories serve as models of heroism as well as cautionary tales. In the days, months and years ahead, we will need to access our personal libraries of stories in order to embody the resistance necessary to bring about a fair,

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Changing the Narrative

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Rev. Alice King. Join online here. Share your Joys & Sorrows here.

January’s theme: Story. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join the service.

The Stories We Tell

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Michelle Saville. Join online here. Share your Joys & Sorrows here.

January’s theme: Story. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Burning Bowl Service

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Michelle Saville. Join online here. Share your Joys & Sorrows here.

December’s theme: Presence. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Solstice Celebration

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Rev. Alice King. Join online here. Share your Joys & Sorrows here.

December’s theme: Presence. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Stories & Songs of the Season

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Wendy Testa. Join online here. Share your Joys & Sorrows here.

December’s theme: Presence. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Presence as Compassion

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Led by Rev. Alice King. Join online here. Share your Joys & Sorrows here.

December’s theme: Presence. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.