Personal Journeys

One Service, 10AM. Join the service here.

Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Each of us brings our own personal journey to this beloved community and adds it to the fabric that makes us who we are. Three congregants will share their personal journeys that led them to UUCL with us on January 3 in this special yearly service.

Religious Exploration Groups for Children and Youth–Sundays

Register your children and youth for RE! We accept registration at any time. Please complete the registration online HERE.

We will be offering the following Religious Exploration Groups for children and youth on Sundays this year: 

Pre-K to 1st Grade: 9:15-9:45 am

2nd Grade to 5th Grade: 11:15 am-12pm 

Middle School Jr. Youth Group: 1-2 pm 

High School Sr. Youth Group: 12:30-2 pm on the second Sunday of every month

Our Childrens’ Groups and Jr. Youth Group will meet via Zoom. 

To log on click HERE. (room 2404193933)

Sunday, January 3, 2021 in the RE Space:

9:15 am – The Littles Group (Pre-K through Grade 1) Let’s use our imagination to imagine what you will be like when you are an adult! Remember: You are born with goodness and lots of possibilities. You can be anything! Also, do you remember what you were like as a baby? Do you have any funny stories to tell?

11:15 am – Children’s Group (Pre-K through Grade 4) It is 2021 and a new year! What possibilities exist in you? We will use our imagination to explore all the possible you’s in the future AND make paper fortune tellers together!

1pm – Jr. Youth Group (Middle School) Debate time! We will divide you up into teams and have you work together to convince the youth advisors that you are right. What burning questions will you be debating? CAKE vs. PIE. Bring your imagination and be ready to work!

UPCOMING: Sr. Youth Group  Meeting
Sunday, January 10 from 12:30-2:00pm on Zoom

All Youth, Grades 9 and up, are invited to join with the Youth Group at UUCL for our monthly joint Youth Group meeting with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling. We will be meeting online and diving deeper into the theme “Stillness.” Please meet HERE

For questions, contact DRE, Kate Savidan (