A Miraculous Mess

One Service, 10AM. Join the service here.

Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Exploring life and emergence as divine process.

Religious Exploration Groups for Children and Youth–Sundays 

Our Children’s Groups and Jr. Youth Group will meet via Zoom.  To log on click HERE. (room 2404193933)

This Sunday, April 18, 2021 in the RE Space:

9:15 am – The Littles Group (Pre-K through Grade 1)
The theme this month is Becoming. We will ask ourselves how we can become a protector of the earth? We will then celebrate with an Earth Day themed scavenger hunt!

11:15 am – Children’s Group (Pre-K through Grade 4) 

What does it mean to be a people of “Becoming?”” On this day, our thoughts turn toward Earth Day, April 22. We are becoming people of the earth. We will do a scavenger hunt and learn about a farm that brought a creek back to life in the middle of a corn field.

1pm – Jr. Youth Group (Middle School) 

Today is all about environmental justice! We will watch videos and discuss environmental justice, have an Earth themed scavenger hunt, and an Earth Day game of Kahoot!

UPCOMING: Sr. Youth Group  Meeting
Sunday, May 16 from 12:30-2:00pm on Zoom

All youth, Grades 9 and up, are invited to join with the Youth Group at UUCL for our monthly joint Youth Group meeting with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling. We will be meeting online and diving deeper into the theme “Story”. Please meet HERE.

Register your children and youth for RE! Registration accepted at any time. Please complete the registration online HERE. For questions, contact DRE, Wendy Moura (dre@uuloudoun.org).