One Service, 10AM. Join the service here.

Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

The Vision Cafes began a process toward a new mission statement, exploring who we are and why we exist as Unitarian Universalist   Church of Loudoun…and for what and for whom. Over the next several months, we will go even deeper into core values and end statements. Today, we celebrate with a proposed statement of mission and vision that celebrates our past and carries us into the future.

Religious Exploration Groups for Children and Youth–Sundays 

Our Children’s Groups and Jr. Youth Group will meet via Zoom.  To log on click HERE. (room 2404193933)

This Sunday, May 2, 2021 in the RE Space:

9:15 am – The Littles Group (Pre-K through Grade 1)
The theme this month is Story. The children will hear stories that remind us who we are as UU’s and sing songs of stories. If the children like, they can color this picture and share it with us as we discuss the story of John Murray in Winds of Change.

11:15 am – Children’s Group (Pre-K through Grade 4) 

The theme this month is Story. Learn a story about our UUCL congregation’s history, a story about the Winds of Change, and together create a new UUCL story.

1pm – Jr. Youth Group (Middle School) 

Today is about your personal story: unfolding your unique self. What does one sentence tell others about you? Sharing a little about you in a unique activity.

UPCOMING: Sr. Youth Group  Meeting
Sunday, May 16 from 12:30-2:00pm on Zoom

All youth, Grades 9 and up, are invited to join with the Youth Group at UUCL for our monthly joint Youth Group meeting with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling. We will be meeting online and diving deeper into the theme “Story”. Please meet HERE.

For questions, contact DRE, Wendy Moura (
Register your children and youth for RE! Registration accepted at any time. Please complete the registration online