One service at 10AM, only on Zoom

The Zoom link for this Sunday’s Worship service is, the password is 581086 

Where do you turn when you are searching for wisdom? Have you found wisdom in an unlikely place? Wisdom can be found all around us if we are willing to listen for it.

Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.  Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. 



Our Children and Youth will meet via Zoom this week. To log on: The Password is 542419.

11:15 am – Children’s Group (Pre- K through Grade 4) 

Our DRE, Kate will lead us through a Chalice Lighting, Joys and Sorrows, a meditation, an activity and our closing song. This week, we are talking about what Memorial Day means. We will also make our own flags so have some paper and art supplies ready! 

1:00 pm – Jr. Youth Group (Grades 5-8)

Being together is important, especially during these times when we have to be physically distant. This week we will talk about play and how important it is to have fun! Bring your own snack!

PLEASE NOTE:There will be no RE or Jr. Youth Group on Sunday, May 31 due to our Annual Meeting.


I acknowledge that many of us have had our plans for the summer disrupted. I know that many of our children and families are suffering from Zoom fatigue and a desire to get off the computer while others are craving connection with each other and their church family. As the primary religious educator in your children’s lives, I am asking how our RE program can best support you this summer. Would you like a summer of Full Week Faith Formation in the form of daily activities I prepare so you can do them with the children and youth in your lives? Do you want to continue to meet on Sundays once a week online? Do you want to meet on a different day of the week online? Would you like to be presented with online UU summer camp options?

I am hoping you can help me and the RE Committee find the best path to supporting our families, children and youth this summer. Please contact me to share your thoughts.

BINGOWe love seeing our UUCL family in worship together, especially while we are allphysically distancing ourselves. Each week we will be creating a BINGO sheet specifically relating to that week’s worship. Children and youth (adults too!) are invited to play along! Simply print out the BINGO sheet and while at worship, cross off boxes as they happen during the service. Make a line in any direction or a total blackout (all boxes crossed off). When we can have service together in church again, hand your sheets in to our DRE, Kate Savidan, for a special prize!

For questions, contact DRE, Kate Savidan (