Archives: Services


One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. In this time where we find ourselves, brought together but held apart by technology and recovering from a global pandemic, what we need now, more than anything, is connection. How can our free and active faith work in our ability to connect to others, the world, and to ourselves? Led by Rev. Cara Fortner. Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here.

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Channels of Change: A Living Tradition

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Hymn #299 challenges us to make channels of the streams of love. What does it means to have a “living faith?”. Led by Rev. Alice King. Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here. Join the 10:00am online service here.

November’s theme is Change. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed,

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Connections, Community, Commitment

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. We celebrate new members and a child blessing and dedication. Led by Rev. Alice King. Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here. Join the 10:00am online service here.

October’s theme is Courage. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

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