Archives: Services

Connections, Community, Commitment

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. We celebrate new members and a child blessing and dedication. Led by Rev. Alice King. Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here. Join the 10:00am online service here.

October’s theme is Courage. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

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Break Not the Circle

What does it mean to belong to ourselves and each other? Led by Rev. Alice King.

One service: 10:00am, in-person & online. Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here. Join the 10:00am online service here.

September’s theme is Belonging. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

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Adam and Eve and Manabozho

One service: 10:00am in-person and online. A pandemic has changed how we work; where might we look for spiritual nuances in labor? Two wisdom tales can provide some frameworks: the biblical Genesis stories of Adam and Eve, and the Anishinabe story of Manabozho and the maple trees. Punishment or interdependent web, do we work to live or live to work? We’ll explore those endpoints and what may lie between. Led by Lora Powell-Haney.

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