Archives: Services

Be Curious, Not Judgmental

A few weeks ago, Rev. Alice asked the question: Would you rather be just or merciful? This Sunday, explore that question in the context of cancel culture.

Two services: 9:30am in-person and online; 11:15am in-person. Led by Allan Bentkofsky. Join the 9:30am online service here. Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here. Sign up for the 9:30am or 11:15am in-person services in April here.

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This is What Makes Us Worlds

A look at what grounds us, holds us and calls us in our faith and the complications of what it means to It is powerful to see ourselves reflected in the world around us: to see our identities reflected in the natural world and in the language we use is a powerful affirmation.  Join Rev. Dr. Laura Solomon to explore the queerness inherent in nature, and how exploring and affirming this can support our collective liberation.

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