Archives: Services

This is What Makes Us Worlds

A look at what grounds us, holds us and calls us in our faith and the complications of what it means to It is powerful to see ourselves reflected in the world around us: to see our identities reflected in the natural world and in the language we use is a powerful affirmation.  Join Rev. Dr. Laura Solomon to explore the queerness inherent in nature, and how exploring and affirming this can support our collective liberation.

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The Golden Chain

One Service, online, 10:00am, led by Rev. Theresa Ninán Soto. Join here.

An Ife creation story and an exploration of what it means to create community and freedom together. Join us to experience ritual and story through a multicultural lens. Rev. Theresa Ninán Soto (they/them/theirs) is a guest minister from the First Unitarian Church of Oakland, California.

Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here.

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Living Our UU Values in the Larger World

One Service, online, 10:00am, led by Rev. Justine Sullivan. Join here.

Rev. Justine Sullivan (she/her/hers) is a guest minister from the UU Church of Brunswick, Maine.

Submit an Announcement here. Share your Joys and Sorrows here.

February is the month of Widening the Circle. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

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Between Hell and Hallowed Ground

One Service, online, 10:00am, led by Rev. Alice King. Join here.

Reflections on Mercy, Justice, and the Fifth Principle. Visit the Joys and Sorrows Form here. Visit the Announcements Form here.

January is the month of Living with Intention. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

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