Archives: Services

Where Was God in This Day?

We will reflect on an African story about a young boy and an old woman to find the sacred in everyday living.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

This Too Shall Pass

An exploration of how to put time on our side.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

The Elephant in the Room

If we are each touching only a small part of a larger whole, how can we be sure of what we “know”? (Using two similar wisdom stories: “The Blind Men and the Elephant” and “The Princesses and the Kingshuk Tree.”)

The Lion and the Mouse…and the Little Slave

Aesop’s Fables: Where little friends may become great friends, and the animals share great lessons they learned the hard way

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Religious Liberty, Freedom of Religion and Religion in America

Chris Stevenson, co-founder and president of the Museum of American Religion, will be in the pulpit. The museum is dedicated to educating the public about the history and salience of America’s religious liberty clauses. 

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

What We Carry Forward: A Reparations Story for Today

Author, playwright and Trauma Informed Care facilitator, Danita Rountree Green (Satiafa) uses storytelling to help others move through difficult constructs, to find their path and experience the fullness of life. During this service, we will explore the things we carry through life, how we carry them and what we choose to leave behind.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Continue reading What We Carry Forward: A Reparations Story for Today

“Treasures in Our Chests” Special Music Service

With the explosion of DNA testing for exploring genealogy and ethnicity, it seems more people than ever are devoting time and energy to answering the fundamental questions, “who am I and where did I come from?” Each of us descends from a wide web of humans, with their own powers, limitations and a life filled with their own stories. And while most of them are no longer here to tell them to us, their stories are a vital part of how we got here.

Continue reading “Treasures in Our Chests” Special Music Service

Pride Service

UUCL’s Pride Service includes our annual Glitter Blessing: Honoring the Beauty in All.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday

This special Sunday includes a bridging ceremony for high school seniors, a farewell ritual and a call to beauty honoring time, talent and treasure. Bring a potluck dish to share and stay for the Annual Congregational Meeting and potluck following worship.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service and the Annual Congregational Meeting. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.