Archives: Services

Annual Gathering of the Waters

In this multi-generational service, we honor community with the annual gathering of the waters. Please bring canned goods to donate and some water to share in the common bowl. Children and youth are invited to bring their school bags for a Blessing of the Backpacks.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

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Labor Day: People, Planet, Profit

UUCL welcomes Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg, Minister of the UU Congregation of Frederick, MD.

Top economists once predicted that well before the 20th century ended, a Golden Age of Leisure would arrive, when no one would have to work more than two hours a day.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

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Is Spirituality a Steady State?

Spiritual development involves opening ourselves to the complexities of life and the its inhabitants.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Do You Hear?

A love of language and a language of love.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Unapologetically You

Be Who You Are. A simple concept on the surface but a complicated and difficult idea in practice. This week’s service will talk about the idea of being unapologetically you in a world filled with labels that both unite AND divide us. No two of us are the same, we are all singing different parts in the choir of life.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available,

Continue reading Unapologetically You

Both Sides Now

How Life Experiences Affect Our Perspective and Use of Labels

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

There Is No “Them” There

We build skyscraper forts out of the labels we use to characterize “others,” and hurl epithets and worse at “them.” Yet we are all members of the same species, live on the same planet, and have the same basic biological needs. How do we reconcile the immense barriers we’ve created between individual subsets of us and them with the basic facts of our earthly human existence?

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade.

Continue reading There Is No “Them” There

Taking Advice From a Marionette

Computer software makes suggestions on what we might want to watch or buy, helps doctors make diagnoses, and judges issue sentencing, even helps vehicles on the road drive more safely. While the perception of computers is that they are making unemotional, unprejudiced assessments, they are based on data provided by humans, and so can hide and perpetuate bias we are unintentionally feeding them.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade.

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Religious Affiliations

Continuing with our summer series, we will investigate labels of religious affiliations. What do we gain from these labels? What are the dangers that can come from these labels? How do our principles guide our actions when confronted by labels?

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

I Want to Taste All the Notes

Just as in viniculture and musical culture, our own personal ‘Terroir’ nurtures and informs us, providing our lives with tastes of joy, sorrow and wonder with every sip.

Note: Religious Exploration is available during the service for children K-5th grade. Babysitting is available, and babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.