Archives: Services

The Promise and the Practice

This service will celebrate the words and music by Unitarian Universalists who are people of color. UUCL will join other UU congregations in taking up a special collection, with our collective gift matched dollar for dollar, to support the Black Lives UU movement.

I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today

Randy Newman’s song helped define 1968, a year marked by sadness and irony. Now, 50 years later, what song will reflect 2018?

NOTE: RE is available during the first service only.

Easter/Flower Communion

A celebration of the rebirths in our own lives with the Flower Communion–an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Flower Ceremony was introduced to the United States by Rev. Maya Capek, Norbert’s widow. Please bring a flower to share. You’ll take a different one home. It’s beautiful.

Everyday Leadership

What does it mean to be a leader? In this time when we are craving positive leadership, perhaps we should redifne what it means to be a leader.

Everyday Leadership

What does it mean to be a leader? In this time when we are craving positive leadership, perhaps we should redefine what it means to be a leader.

Good Intentions

Intending to do something isn’t at all the same as living intentionally. How do we turn the one to the other?