Doesn’t Winter Always Sing?
The striving for balance in our own lives sometimes leaves us overwhelmed.What may nature have to teach us?
The striving for balance in our own lives sometimes leaves us overwhelmed.What may nature have to teach us?
Sermon topic: Preparing for death, the Oregon Model, Medicine & Ethics.
NOTE: RE is available during the first service only.
Is everything worth doing worth doing well?
Intending to do something isn’t at all the same as living intentionally. How do we turn the one to the other?
We can have good intentions but do they match our impact?
Each year we invite several members to share their personal journeys to Unitarian Universalism. This year we have the privilege to hear members Ted Bernstein, Leah Cooper, Jason & Cristinaa Dwyer share their paths to UUCL.
January 1st marks the start of a new year. Join us for a morning of reflection, meditation, and new beginnings as we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome the new year that awaits.
There will only be one morning service on Christmas Eve, and it will begin at 10:00am.
We will have a special collection for Gifts for Good, a part of the Loudoun Human Services Network. Gifts for Good is the perfect choice to make a gift in honor of a someone special during an event or holiday celebration! Each gift received is shared equally with all 18 local nonprofits partners. For more information, please see https://
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