The Lyf So Short. The Crafte So Long to Lerne
This topic will examine how this quote from the 14th-century poet Geoffrey Chaucer can inform our spiritual practice.
This topic will examine how this quote from the 14th-century poet Geoffrey Chaucer can inform our spiritual practice.
We will explore the monthly theme of “Welcome”
The interdependent web of existence is sometimes difficult to see. Natural disasters have a way of highlighting how connected we are to each other.
Ingathering of the Community to begin a new church year. Gathering of the Waters as a blessing for the church as a community and for the grounds upon which we are housed. Children are encouraged to be in the chapel for the service. Please bring a small container of water for the Blessing Bowl.
What is-or can be-spiritual about labor? Can we find satisfaction and fulfillment of the spirit through our work? How can we celebrate-and share-the joy in our work?
Is it necessary to revisit the big questions every once in a while? Have you altered your views on theological issues as you have gone through life? Should you?
Reflections on racism, the Vietnam War, sexism, and nuclear war as viewed through my spiritual journey
Was Jesus Christ the son of God or merely a man? Does it really matter? We’ll explore belief in Jesus Christ and how his teachings and life can impact our UU belief system.
What does it mean to be human? We’re tempted to answer with platitudes, but neither the scientific answer nor the spiritual one is clear and without some troubling aspects. We’ll explore the question from both angles, warts and all.
The typical discussion among those of Judeo-Christian backgrounds goes something like this: If God is omnipotent and beneficent, why does He allow evil? As UUs, is that the right question when asking about the existence of evil?