Death & Birth
Where do we come from and where are we going? Come explore the teachings of various world religions on death, birth, and what it means for each of us.
Where do we come from and where are we going? Come explore the teachings of various world religions on death, birth, and what it means for each of us.
Has anyone ever tried to save you from sin, error, or evil? Then youve been offered redemption! Come consider some new ways youu might practice our faith as a continuation of your own spiritual journey of “authentic redemption.”
Musical Service: It seems more people than ever are devoting time and energy to answering the fundamental questions, “who am I and where did I come from?” While our present-day relationships with family may run the gamut from complicated to painful, the fact that any of us exist at all is might be also be viewed as a mysterious miracle. An appreciation for the stories doubly-twisted into every cell of our being, and the odd and eclectic collection of saints and rogues who helped create them.
The concepts of Heaven and Hell cut across various religions, cultures and historical eras. They have been expressed in holy texts, Renaissance art, and modern movies as places in which people will go after they die, and where they will spend eternity. But what if Heaven and Hell arent just about the afterlife, but about our experience in this life?
If every poll and survey shows that UU attitudes, positions and perspectives are shared by such a large number of Americans, why are so few willing to call themselves UU?
In the first service of our summer series, John Stevens asks how UUs differ from other faiths by citing our own experiences and powers of reason as a source of wisdom. Applying our critical judgement is not simply a freedom, but also an obligation in the practice of our faith.
Our departing Minister shares personal reflections about the core strengths and persistent issues of our community.
When it feels as though were living in a time of scarcity, how can we act from a place of abundance? This intergenerational service relates a familiar story, introducing two strangers who coax an entire village into realizing the power of sharing and giving. It also encourages the congregation to be aware of opportunities to notice grace and practice random acts of kindness. Our Religious Exploration kids are asking for canned food donations for their food drive as well.
20 years of memories of UUCL
Our Minister shares reflections on how our UU faith has moved beyond dogmatic Christian creeds toward inclusive covenantal relationships embracing diverse spiritual paths.