Archives: Services

Truth, Reason, & Knowledge

In the first service of our summer series, John Stevens asks how UUs differ from other faiths by citing our own experiences and powers of reason as a source of wisdom. Applying our critical judgement is not simply a freedom, but also an obligation in the practice of our faith.

Stone Soup

When it feels as though were living in a time of scarcity, how can we act from a place of abundance? This intergenerational service relates a familiar story, introducing two strangers who coax an entire village into realizing the power of sharing and giving. It also encourages the congregation to be aware of opportunities to notice grace and practice random acts of kindness. Our Religious Exploration kids are asking for canned food donations for their food drive as well.

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Mother’s Day: Feminism & UU

Our Minister reflects with us on how modern Unitarian & Universalist women are building on their long patterns of prominent leadership in social advancements throughout American history.

Interactions with Everyday White Supremacy: An Antiracist Tale

Recent events at the Unitarian Universalist Association, including the resignation of UUA President Rev. Peter Morales, have underscored the work needed to fight institutional racism in our country and in our faith. Its hard, its confusing, its tempting to run awayand it is the work of our time. Come hear your UUA Primary Contact, Rev. Megan Foley, talk about ways in which every UU can engage and participate in this important struggle for justice and inclusion.

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Facing a National Crisis With Truth and Integrity

April 4, 2017 marked 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr gave a speech/sermon at the Riverside Church in New York a far more radical and relevant than his I Have a Dream speech in 1964 entitled, Beyond Vietnam A Time to Break Silence and he spoke of things that are more relevant today than ever