Archives: Services

I Am

Honoring the Ancestors: Please bring photos of your beloved dead to place on the altar for this annual service of remembrance. We will explore our connections, what grounds us and connects us to our deepest selves and to others and why it matters.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.


This month we explore what it means to be a people of resilience. Each Sunday the sermon will examine a different aspect of this important trait.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship services. Babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

No Services January 13

Both services have been canceled this Sunday due to the winter storm. Enjoy the snow!


This month we contemplate what it means to be a people of resilience. Just as a tree bends with the wind, resilience rests in our ability to flexibly lean and bend. Another kind of leaning is just as important: the practice of leaning on those next to them. Yes, bend with the wind, but no one makes it through the windstorms alone.