What’s in a name?

Chuck Harris will be in the pulpit. Service starts at 10am. Join via zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3651056593

Your loved ones are welcome to join our service. Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. 


It is time to register your children and youth for RE! Please complete the registration online: https://forms.gle/aPVBHQULWyPCG5iK7 

We will be offering the following Religious Exploration Groups for children and youth on Sundays this year: 

Pre-K to 1st Grade: 9:15-9:45 with Miss Wendy weekly beginning Sunday, September 20

2nd Grade to 5th Grade: 11:15am-12pm weekly beginning Sunday, September 20

Middle School Jr. Youth Group: 1-2pm weekly beginning Sunday, September 13

High School Youth Group: 12:30-2pm on the second Sunday of every month

Our Children and Youth will meet via Zoom. To log on: https://zoom.us/j/2404193933 The password is 542419.

11:15 amChildren’s Group (Pre-K through Grade 4) 

There will be no Religious Exploration classes for children this Sunday. Please enjoy the worship service together as a family.

1pmJr. Youth Group (Middle School) 

There will be no Religious Exploration classes for youth this Sunday. Please enjoy the worship service together as a family.

UPCOMING: Sr. Youth Group  Meeting

Sunday, September 13th from 12:30-2:00pm via Zoom

All Youth, Grades 9 and up, are invited to join with the Youth Group via for our monthly joint Youth Group meeting with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling.

For questions, contact DRE, Kate Savidan (dre@uuloudoun.org).