Speaker: Michelle Saville

Religious Affiliations

Continuing with our summer series, we will investigate labels of religious affiliations. What do we gain from these labels? What are the dangers that can come from these labels? How do our principles guide our actions when confronted by labels?

Note: Religious Exploration is available during … read more.

Everyday Leadership

What does it mean to be a leader? In this time when we are craving positive leadership, perhaps we should redifne what it means to be a leader.

Everyday Leadership

What does it mean to be a leader? In this time when we are craving positive leadership, perhaps we should redefine what it means to be a leader.

Burning Bowl Ritual

January 1st marks the start of a new year. Join us for a morning of reflection, meditation, and new beginnings as we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome the new year that awaits.

Death & Birth

Where do we come from and where are we going? Come explore the teachings of various world religions on death, birth, and what it means for each of us.

Stone Soup

When it feels as though were living in a time of scarcity, how can we act from a place of abundance? This intergenerational service relates a familiar story, introducing two strangers who coax an entire village into realizing the power of sharing and giving. It … read more.