Speaker: Peggy Fallon

Peggy Fallon was an active member of UUCL from 1999 until 2015, when she left Loudoun County to retire to Murray, Kentucky with her partner, Bill Schell. She served many roles in her years here, wore hats in almost every committee, sang in the choir for years, and was the organizer of UU Jammers. But her longest and most satisfying service was with the Worship Committee, serving as a member, chairperson, and co-chair (with Glenda Parsons).

May the Forest be With You

One Service, 10AM

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Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

The ancient Japanese custom of “Forest Bathing” remains remarkably relevant and useful to us today, as we understand more of the science of how the trees can heal us. The more we learn about how much the natural world gives us,

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