Speaker: Rev. Alice King

Join Us on Zoom for this Sunday’s Worship service.

This service will be offered remotely only at 10 am via this Zoom link. Please download Zoom from that link and join the meeting by 9:50 am. Donations are accepted any time via this virtual collection plate.


Our Children and Youth will meet via Zoom this week. To log on: https://zoom.us/j/2404193933

11:15 am

Children’s Group (Pre- K through Grade 4): Chalice Challenge

Our DRE,

Continue reading Join Us on Zoom for this Sunday’s Worship service.

From Wisdom Emerging

So much wisdom is waiting to be known. Where have we not looked before?

Religious Exploration for children and youth is available during the 9:30 service. Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during both worship services. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services, too.

Leaps of Faith

What does this faith require of us? What leaps of faith will we take as individuals and as a congregation to live into “Love is the Spirit” that we recite each Sunday?

Religious Exploration for children and youth is available during the 9:30 service. Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday
during both worship services. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services,

Continue reading Leaps of Faith

Breath of Resilience

aka “It’s the end of the world as we know it… and I feel fine.”

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship services. Babies and toddlers are also welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Celebrating Imbolc

Also called Brigid’s Day, Imbolc is a traditional Gaelic festival marking the turn of the Wheel of the Year. All ages are welcome to join in stories, candle lighting and blessings from the Triple Goddess.

Stony the Road

Exploring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in the sanctuary.

In an Age of Mendacity

Choosing courage over comfort

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in the sanctuary.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 5 and 7 pm

“And Heaven and Nature Sing!” Celebrate the returning light and spirit of the season. We recognize the importance of joy in these days as we celebrate the 300th anniversary of the carol “Joy to the World.”  The luminarias will be lighted outside and candles will be lighted inside. We carry that light forth into the December darkness as we await the new year.

Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

Continue reading Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 5 and 7 pm

Hanukkah Pageant

Join us for a wonderful, no-rehearsal, participatory Hanukkah Pageant.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship services. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.

NOTE: There will be no Religious Exploration classes this week. Join us for one multi-generational service at 10 a.m.