Speaker: Michelle Saville

In Service of Our Common Humanity

One Service, 10:00am, led by Michelle Saville.

This summer we have explored various issues and ideas that our summer speakers have felt passionate about. Please join us this Sunday as we wrap up our summer series and reflect on what these ideas might mean for each of us individually and as a community.

Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Continue reading In Service of Our Common Humanity

Building a Beloved Community

One Service, 10AM. Join the service here.

Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

Religious Exploration Groups for Children and Youth–Sundays

Our Childrens’ Groups and Jr. Youth Group will meet via Zoom.  To log on click HERE (room 2404193933).

Register your children and youth for RE!

Continue reading Building a Beloved Community

What’s In a Word?

One Service, 10AM. Join the service here.

Come and be in community, see friendly faces, feel welcomed, remember you are loved. Your loved ones are welcome to join our service.

As we say goodbye to 2020, join us for reflection, release, and setting our intention for the New Year.

Religious Exploration Groups for Children and Youth–Sundays

There are NO Religious Exploration classes on SUNDAY,

Continue reading What’s In a Word?

Burning Bowl Ritual

One multi-generational service for this annual ritual at 10 am. Join us for a morning of reflection, meditation and new beginnings as we say goodbye to 2019 and welcome the new year — and decade — that awaits.

NOTE: There will be no Religious Exploration classes December 29. All children and youth are invited to join everyone in the sanctuary. Nursery care will be available.

Where Was God in This Day?

We will reflect on an African story about a young boy and an old woman to find the sacred in everyday living.

Babysitting WILL be available this Sunday during worship service. Babies and toddlers are always welcome in our sanctuary during services.