20460 Gleedsville Rd., Leesburg, VA 20175 | 571-252-9882
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Summer Worship Theme: Transformational Moments August 23, 10AMAllan Bentkofsky Summer Worship Theme: Transformational Moments August 16, 10AMMichelle Saville Summer Worship Theme: Transformational Moments August 9, 10AMRev. Alice King Summer Worship Theme: Transformational Moments August 2, 10AMBrenda Davis “Who were you before the world told you who to be?” July 26, 10AMTamar Datan “My Father’s Face” July 19, 10AMFrank Shipp Under the Shade of a Tree July 12, 10AMGlenda Parsons “Beyond These Walls, Beyond These Broken Hearts” July 5, 10AMAndrew McKnight UUA General Assembly Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Pride Sunday! Virtual Glitter Blessing! June 21, 10AMRev. Alice King One service at 10AM, only on Zoom June 14, 10AM One service at 10AM, only on Zoom June 6, 10AMRev. Megan Foley Flower Communion May 31, 10AMRev. Alice King One service at 10AM, only on Zoom May 24, 10AMMichelle Saville Blessing of the Animals May 17, 10AMRev. Alice King First«15 16 17 18 19»Last